Diane Sanny has been a seeker of truth and expansion of consciousness most of her adult life.


In 1975 she was blessed to learn transcendental meditation as taught by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.  This one simple technique changed her life and she has practiced TM twice daily since that first day.


TM opened her awareness in ways she never thought possible.  She has enjoyed the benefits that were offered at the very first introductory lecture:  deep rest, expansion of awareness, improved health, a constant deepening of the ability to love and appreciate while at the same time contributing to the state of peace around her. She has experienced how deeply we are all connected.


In 1979 she became a teacher of TM and has experienced the joy of helping others find the peace and expansion she has gained through the practice of transcendental meditation.

In 2015 she became a reader of the Akashic Records again in the pursuit of more awareness.  She learned how to connect to the realm of the Akasha and in so doing converse with the soul level and the masters, teachers and loved ones who assist the soul in evolution on this beloved planet Earth.

She is now offering Akashic Record readings to expand the awareness of divine Self and dramatically improve the life of the individual self.


Get started with Diane, today.