Akashic Record Readings

The field of the Akasha is timeless.


Diane Sanny has been a seeker of truth and expansion of consciousness most of her adult life.  In 1975 she was blessed to learn transcendental meditation as taught by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.  This one simple technique changed her life and she has practiced TM twice daily since that first day.


Have you ever wondered if there were a way to connect with your soul level truth?  This happens when we open your Akashic records and connect with the energy of your unique field.

— Diane Sanny


The Akashic Field is a realm of Light.

We are dealing with energy, divine energy. This is a form of spiritual counseling, offering insight, guidance and wisdom rooted in unconditional love for the support and empowerment of the individual.


In-person and remote options


Get started with Diane, today.